Click here to determine whether certain icons animate. Currently, they do.
Click here to determine whether certain icons animate. Currently, they don't.
Mouse down here for a menu controlling the size of printed pictures.
Click here to determine whether thumbnail images will be created for new files. Currently, thumbnails will be generated.
Click here to determine whether thumbnail images will be created for new files. Currently, thumbnails will not be generated.
Click here to turn off scanning of files for depth (files would get depth from prefereces)
Click here to turn on scanning of files for depth (files would maintain depth)
Click here to determine whether files read-in by the open command come in at the current preference-specified depth, or at their own stored depth. Currently the latter option is in effect.
Click here to determine whether files read-in by the open command come in at the current preference-specified depth, or at their own stored depth. Currently the former option is in effect.
Mouse-down here to control how washes and blends work. This will also control the color of a Wacom tablet when using pressure to control ink flow rate.
Mouse-down here to set the amount of antialiasing to be used in paint documents. "Off" is 1:1. Normal values are 4:1 or 16:1.
Mouse-down here to set the method used for color printing.
Click here to determine whether Wacom pressure affects ink flow rate. Currently, it does.
Click here to determine whether Wacom pressure affects ink flow rate. Currently, it does not.
Click here to determine whether Wacom pressure affects pen width. Currently, it does.
Click here to determine whether Wacom pressure affects pen width. Currently, it does not.
Click here to determine whether document backgrounds are to be white or alpha-transparent. Currently, they will be alpha-transparent. Obviously, this implies an alpha-capable card.
Click here to determine whether document backgrounds are to be white or alpha-transparent. Currently, they will be white.
Enter color sloppiness (for comparisons) here, 0 (accurate) to 32767 (anywhere near). To clean scans, use 1000 to 25000.
Enter the grid spacing here. You can may use units: Pt, Pi, In, ", Ft, ', mm, cm, m